• Natelee Cocks

    Natelee Cocks

  • Natelee Cocks

    Natelee Cocks


LW Design creates understated seven-bedroom VIP Villa in Dubai

Sophisticated comfort meets femininity in this family residence

by Séan Thurgood 14 October 2022

The clients requested a layout that would allow the whole family to feel comfortable, flowed seamlessly from space to space, and provided each room with its own identity. To achieve this, LW separates the main family living areas and the more formal areas such as the majlis, dining room and study.

The lighting scheme throughout is soft with investing neutral colours, warm timbers and soft grey marble with subtle accent colours. The majlis and dining room evoke the feeling of garden rooms and provide views of the landscaping outside through full-height glazing. Large plants within help unite the indoor areas with the gardens.

Within the master bedroom, feature screens behind the beds display custom artwork as the backdrop. The living areas are divided with champagne gold metal screens, with luxury silk rugs providing comfort and warmth. These rooms feature more intimate seating groups and use a palette of teal and dusky pink tones for softness.


LW Design

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